Of Mice and Midas


Little Mouse is 4 years old. She cracks me up sometimes. I try to make sure I compliment her on what she does well, especially since she is small and Midas is big so there are a lot of limits on what they can do safely. Frequently, Midas will follow me around the ring while I put things away, Little Mouse along for the ride for every halt and unexpected direction change.

Me: I love the way you sit on a horse. It doesn’t seem like much but being able to sit on a horse is–the best.

Little Mouse: But milkshakes are great, too.



Leading Midas around under some pine trees for the sake of shade.

Me: You might need to duck.

Little Mouse: Isn’t that a bird?

Me:….Yes….yes it is.

Saw Whet Owl

Owls are such amazing creatures, and so fun to look at. It’s the big eyes, they are both terrifying and adorable. But I guess the Saw Whet Owl is more adorable than terrifying.

Prints and other fun things are available on Redbubble and Society 6.