
Abigail Cossette Ryan

Ravens are brilliant birds that love love love to hoard cool stuff.

The shinier the better.

I can relate.

Metaphorically speaking.

My studio is about the things that make your life shiny.

I take the things that you treasure and render them in pigment and paper–capturing a moment, a feeling, a breath or a spark. The world needs more beautiful things, that’s why I paint.

I design nerdy t-shirts and stickers for people who love the same books and movies that I do (check out my Threadless and Redbubble shops) and also take commissions to paint pets.

If you’re on Instagram, that’s where most of my art gets posted first–along with process pictures and reels of me riding.

The world also needs good stories, so I write fiction, too. You should head over to ZareCaspian.com and subscribe to my epic web serial novel. You won’t regret it.

My other wordy work is audience building for businesses–again, all about good stories. So if you’re a business and want more customers or clients, check out Rooks Media & Marketing.